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Changing the agent mode


The NAS system has multiple modes that control how it operates and lets administrators control how the NAS cluster is used. Each node can be set to a different mode, to allow for rolling updates and general maintenance without taking the whole cluster offline.

Service interruption

Changing system modes will cause any users connected to the affected node to be disconnected. In a clustered system where there are other healthy, active nodes the users will be automatically reconnected to another node but file operations will experience momentary interruption whilst this happens.

Mode definitions


In ‘active’ mode, the NAS system is online, all file system services are started and configured all file-sharing services are started. Users can connect to the system via standard methods, such as via SMB or AFP.


In the ‘pending’ mode, the NAS system is powered-up, but the file system and file-sharing services are not running. Users will not be able to access the system, except for the NAS dashboard or via SSH. Depending on your environment, this will be the default state of the NAS when the nodes have been turned on. This is to allow for the cluster to be brought online and moved to the 'active' mode collectively by the NAS Dashboard.


In the ‘disabled’ mode, the NAS system will not start any file system or file-sharing services. Changing to the ‘active’ mode is not allowed either automatically or via user intervention. This mode is set when enabling the maintenance mode. Its main use if for during system updates or when troubleshooting issues with the NAS.

Changing modes

Checking the current mode

  1. Open the nas-tui utility from the command line

  2. Under the NAS services section, select the NAS agent option

  3. Under the Agent: Mode section, select the Get status

Showing system mode

Changing the mode

The mode can be changed from the ‘Node' page on the NAS dashboard. It can also be accessed via the NAS terminal UI (NAS TUI) utility.

  1. Open the nas-tui utility from the command line

  2. Under the NAS services section, select the NAS agent option

  3. Under the Agent: Mode section, select either Set mode to 'Active' or Set mode to 'Pending' depending on which mode you need to set the system to.

Mode selection menu

Using maintenance mode

Maintenance mode will set the system to the ‘Disabled’ mode and will prevent the NAS agent from automatically changing the mode to ‘Active’. It will also prevent users from setting the mode to ‘Active’.

  1. Open the nas-tui utility from the command line

  2. Under the NAS services section, select the NAS agent option

  3. Under the Agent: Maintenance mode section, select the Enable/Disable maintenance mode option

  4. On the confirmation page, select if you would like to enable or disable maintenance mode

Maintenance mode selection menu

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