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Adding a broker

Adding a broker

  1. Login to the Lens Portal as an administrator

  2. In the left sidebar, go to the Configuration and select the Settings item

  3. On the settings page, go to the Platforms section and then select the Broker option

  4. Click the Add button

    The broker settings pane

  5. The Add broker configuration modal will open. Enter the following details:

Field name



The name of this broker configuration. It can be any name you choose.


If the broker configuration should be used/enabled.


Select the broker type you would like to configure

  1. Follow the section below that is relevant to your broker type

    1. For Leostream brokers

    2. For HP Anyware Manager brokers

Adding a Leostream broker

  1. Enter the following details

  2. In the Name field, enter a friendly name for the broker. This can be anything you like.

  3. Decide if this broker configuration is enabled, but toggling the Enabled toggle

  4. Select the type of broker you are connecting to in the Type field

  5. Enter the FQDN or IP address for the broker in the first part of the Broker URL & port field. In the second textbox, enter the port number for the broker.

  6. If authentication is required, enter the username in the Username field

  7. If authentication is required, enter the password in the Password field

  8. Click the Add button

The Add broker configuration modal window

Adding an HP Anyware Manager broker

  1. Create an API key in HP Anyware Manager by following this guide. Download the JSON file for later in the guide.

  2. Open the JSON file from HP Anyware Manager

  3. Enter the following details

Field name



This should be the username value from the JSON file in step 2

API key

This should be the apiKey value from the JSON file in step 2

Tenant ID

This should be the tenantId value from the JSON file in step 2

Deployment ID

This should be the deploymentId value from the JSON file in step 2

  1. If you are using the SaaS version (HP hosted version) of HP Anyware Manager, skip to step 4

  2. If using a self-hosted HP Anyware Manager, enter the FQDN and the port number in the Broker URL & port field

  3. Click the Add button


The options available for the HP Anyware Manager broker

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