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Updating your user profile

The Remote Edit Dashboard allows for multiple user accounts, each with its own credentials and a customisable user interface. Users can update their credentials, information and customise their dashboard via the Profile page. 

To access the profile page:

  1. Click the username in the navigation bar

  2. Select the Edit profile item from the menu

Updating user information

Users that were created via the dashboard can change their name, email address and password via the Profile page. If users have logged in with their Active Directory or LDAP account, then these details need to be changed on the relevant system. To update your user information via the dashboard:

  1. Click the username in the navigation bar

  2. Select the Edit profile item from the menu

  3. Update your information in the text fields

  4. Click the Save button

Changing status widgets

The dashboard page’s status widgets can be customised by the user to select the widgets which are most relevant for them. A list of these widgets can be found on the Status widgets page. Users can have between one and three status widgets enabled at one time. To change the selected widgets and their order:

  1. Click the username in the navigation bar

  2. Select the Edit profile item from the menu

  3. Scroll down to the Preferences section

  4. Select the User interface section

  5. Drag widgets between the Active widgets and Available widgets columns as required

  6. Click the Save button

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