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In this release, we focused on improving the stability and reliability of Lens. We have also greatly improved the time it takes to detect when a session has started (This requires Lens Agent 2.2.0 or greater).


RED-1201 Improvements to session tracking

RED-1247 Show workstation display protocols that are available

RED-1596 Show when workstations are not registered in the broker


RED-954 Workstation type showing pools

RED-1000 Infrastructure groups not catching errors correctly

RED-1094 Duplicate key error when adding WAM queued shutdown to DB

RED-1116 Collector tasks pagination working slowly

RED-1171 Share usage shows undefined

RED-1188 Race in session disconnection

RED-1195 Provisioning status is cleared straight away

RED-1291 Pool available count is incorrect

RED-1337 Session analyser page errors on fresh deployment

RED-1367 Sorting session analyser causes error

RED-1377 Migration: Logo doesn't show up in about page

RED-1378 Cannot copy workstation template

RED-1391 self-registered workstations get marked as stale

RED-1395 creating local user fails

RED-1397 Changing site on infrastructure page doesn't refresh data on Overview > Operations

RED-1409 Can't update role site permissions

RED-1412 Can't configure access control on leostream pools

RED-1421 Cancelling operations sets all previous operations to cancelled

RED-1430 Pagination does not work on the session analyser page

RED-1437 When saving templates UI resets/disappears but platforms still shows

RED-1442 Saving changes to workstation template de-selects current selection

RED-1459 Can't resize instance in Infrastructure Groups

RED-1460 Workstation allocations are never cleared

RED-1493 Entitlements should be immediately marked as stale when deleted

RED-1501 Reservable instance list does not filter in-session desktops

RED-1512 API Error on /infrastructure/auto-scaling/start

RED-1528 Create workstations throws DB error

RED-1550 Broker using policy from a different site

RED-1563 Unhandled access on null on editor center

RED-1590 Existing broker sessions not being used when requesting session

RED-1595 Pool usage data not being displayed

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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