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Managing users (Dashboard)

Depending on your workflow, it may be required to give other users access to your NAS system. The dashboard allows you to create any number of different user accounts, with different permissions for each user. The following user roles are available:

Role name



Provides access and control over all features of the dashboard 

Share Administrator

Provides read only access to all features of the dashboard, and allows control over share configurations

Quota Administrator

Provides read only access to all features of the dashboard, and allows control over quota configurations


Provides read only access to all features of the dashboard

Creating users

  1. From the Configuration menu, select Settings.

  2. Click the Dashboard users link

  3. Click the add user button

  4. Enter the required information and click the Add user button

Removing dashboard users

  1. From the Configuration menu, select Settings

  2. Click the Dashboard users link

  3. Click user that you would like to remove

  4. Click Delete, and then confirm

Resetting passwords

  1. From the Configuration menu, select Settings

  2. Click the Dashboard users link

  3. Click user that you would like to reset the password for

  4. Click the Change password button

  5. Enter the new password for the user and then confirm

Changing roles

  1. From the Configuration menu, select Settings

  2. Click the Dashboard users link

  3. Click user that you would like to change the role for

  4. Click the Edit button

  5. Select the new role for the user and then confirm

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