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Managing authentication services

The NAS system can be connected to customers Active Directory systems via domain services. It’s responsible for authenticating users domain credentials and providing access to SMB shares.

Managing the services

Checking the service status

  1. Open the nas-tui utility from the command line

  2. Under the NAS services section, select the Authentication option

  3. Under the Domain services: Service menu, select Get status

Starting/stopping the service

  1. Open the nas-tui utility from the command line

  2. Under the NAS services section, select the Authentication option

  3. Under the Domain services: Service menu, select Start/stop service

  4. Select the required option from the confirmation window

Restarting the service

  1. Open the nas-tui utility from the command line

  2. Under the NAS services section, select the Authentication option

  3. Under the Domain services: Service menu, select Restart service


Testing the domain connection

  1. Open the nas-tui utility from the command line

  2. Under the NAS services section, select the Authentication option

  3. Under the Domain services: Operations menu, select Test connection

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