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Configuring quotas

The 7FiveFive NAS system allows you to set storage quotas on folders and volumes. This prevents users from consuming all available storage space and alerts administrators when storage space is getting low. The quota size will be reflected in Windows Explorer, OS X Finder and for Linux clients, allowing users to easily see how much space is being used, and how much is remaining.

There are two types of quota:

  • Soft limit / Alert threshold - When to alert administrators that storage space is getting low

  • Hard limit - The maximum size of the folder or volume

Enabling/Disabling quotas for a volume

By default, the 7FiveFive NAS system will have quotas enabled for all volumes, with the maximum size set to 100% of the system capacity. To change this:

  1. From the Shares menu, select Quotas 

  2. Scroll to the Volumes section

  3. Click Enable to enable quotas OR click the drop-down arrow and select Disable quotas to disable quotas

Add a quota for a share

By default, the 7FiveFive NAS system will add a quota for new shares, with the maximum size set to 100% of the system capacity. If you need to re-add a quota or add a quota to an older share:

If a quota for this share already exists, it will be edited to match the requested settings.

  1. From the Shares menu, select Quotas

  2. Under the Volumes section

  3. Click Add share quota to add quotas

  4. Select the share name

  5. Set the size and select the size unit

  6. Change the alert threshold slider to the desired level

  7. Click the Add button

Add a quota for a volume or folder

If a quota for the chosen path already exists, it will be edited to match the requested settings.

  1. From the Shares menu, select Quotas

  2. Under the Volumes section, click the drop-down arrow for the desired volume and select Add quota

  3. For volumes, the path should be /. For folders, enter the whole path to the folder.

  4. Set the size and select the size unit

  5. Change the alert threshold slider to the desired level

  6. Click the Add button

Edit a quota

  1. From the Shares menu, select Quotas

  2. Under the Quotas section, click the drop-down arrow on the quota you would like to remove

  3. Select Remove quota

  4. Confirm the removal

Remove a quota

  1. From the Shares menu, select Quotas

  2. Under the Quotas section, click the drop-down arrow on the quota you would like to remove

  3. Select Remove quota

  4. Confirm the removal

Enabling email alerts for a quota

Quotas can be individually configured to send email alerts to different recipients. So when a soft limit or a hard limit is reached for one quota, its recipients or administrators will be notified.

If system alerts are configured, the storage administrator (or the alert recipient) will still get notified about quota alerts.

  1. From the Shares menu, select Quotas

  2. Under the Quotas section, click the drop-down arrow on the quota you would like to set alerts for

  3. Select Edit email alerts

  4. Toggle the Email alerts slider to the on position

  5. In the Recipients email field, enter an email address of a recipient, then press the   button

  6. Click the Save button

  7. The Email alerts column should have a green tick underneath it

Editing email recipients for a quota

  1. From the Shares menu, select Quotas

  2. Under the Quotas section, click the drop-down arrow on the quota you would like to set alerts for

  3. Select Edit email alerts

  4. Select the recipient you would like to remove from the list and select the  ➖ button

  5. Click the Save button

Disabling email alerts for a quota

  1. From the Shares menu, select Quotas

  2. Under the Quotas section, click the drop-down arrow on the quota you would like to set alerts for

  3. Select Edit email alerts

  4. Toggle the Email alerts slider to the off position

  5. Click the Save button

  6. The Email alerts column should have a red cross underneath it

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