Widgets: System Status
The ‘System Status’ widget gives a quick glance at the status of the Lens platform infrastructure.

What does it show?
The widget shows the current status of the Lens platform and will alert administrators of any issues with the platform. It gathers this information by checking the status of infrastructure groups. The main states are:
All infrastructure groups that have been defined as ‘essential’ are online and ready.Offline
All infrastructure groups that have been defined as ‘essential’ are offline.Starting-up/Shutting-down
One or more infrastructure group that has been defined as ‘essential’ is not yet in the ready state, but an infrastructure startup or shutdown operation is currently running.Partially online/Warning
One or more infrastructure group that has been defined as ‘essential’ is not online or has failed a health check. No infrastructure startup or shutdown operations are running.
What can I do with it?
Clicking the icon will take the user to the infrastructure page.