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Creating and removing a role

The Lens Portal now allows you to create custom roles to suit a wide variety of needs. For most environments, the default roles will be more than suitable. This article will explain how to create a custom role.

Creating a role

  1. Login to the Lens Portal as an administrator

  2. In the left sidebar, go to the Configuration and select the Settings item

  3. On the settings page, go to the Roles section and then select the Roles option

    The roles editor section of the Settings page

  4. Click the ➕ button

  5. In the Add role modal, enter a role name

  6. Click the Add role button

  7. The role will now appear in the role dropdown menu

Removing a role

  1. Login to the Lens Portal as an administrator

  2. In the left sidebar, go to the Configuration and select the Settings item

  3. On the settings page, go to the Roles section and then select the Roles option

  4. Select the custom role you want to remove from the dropdown menu

  5. Click the red trash can button

  6. In the Remove role modal, click the Remove button

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