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Configuring sites: Brokering

Configuring a broker

Once you have configured a broker in Lens, this broker then needs to be associated with a site. This is because a single broker can be responsible for multiple sites. Or each site may need its own broker. It completely depends on the environment and the configuration of the Lens platform.

To set a broker for the site:

  1. Login to the application

  2. In the left sidebar, select Configuration then click the Settings option

  3. Select the Manage site item from the Sites and Collectors section

  4. Select the site you would like to edit from the dropdown menu

  5. Click the Brokering tab

  6. Scroll down to the Broker section

  7. In the Use broker configuration field, select the broker configuration you created previously. See this article for more.

  8. Scroll to the bottom of the page

  9. Click the Save button


Webhooks help make the Lens application smarter. As Lens is not a connection broker, we do not always know when certain events happen. If the broker supports it, then it’s highly recommended to configure webhooks.

Importing broker desktops

The Lens Portal supports importing desktops from some brokers. Currently, the supported brokers are:

  • Leostream Broker

This will show all desktops that are present in the supported broker.
To enable this feature:

  1. Login to the application

  2. In the left sidebar, select Configuration then click the Settings option

  3. Select the Manage site item from the Sites and Collectors section

  4. Select the site you would like to edit from the dropdown menu

  5. Click the Brokering tab

  6. Scroll down to the Workstations section

  7. Enable the Import workstations from broker when not found via other platforms toggle

  8. Scroll to the bottom of the page

  9. Click the Save button

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