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Scheduling workstations: Adding a new event

The Lens Workstation Availability Manager (WAM) is responsible for scheduling when workstations are powered on and off. WAM is controlled by an easy-to-use calendar interface that allows administrators to control multiple workstation pools with a single calendar event. This article will explain how to create a new event.

Adding an event

  1. Login to the Lens Portal

  2. In the left sidebar expand the Configuration menu and select the Workstations option

  3. Under the Scheduling section, select the Calendar option

  4. Select the tab that corresponds with the day you would like the schedule item to run

    The workstation scheduling calendar

  5. Click the Add button

  6. You will now see an Add event modal appear

    The Add event modal

  7. In the Operation dropdown field select the desired operation. For more information on workstation schedule operations see this article.

  8. Follow the instructions relevant to your desired operation type

Adding an event: Maintain availability

  1. In the Pools field, tick all the workstation pools you would like this event to control

  2. In the Start time field, enter the time that you would like this event to run from.

  3. In the End time field enter the time this event should stop running. After this time any workstations powered on will remain on, but no new workstations will be started. After this event finishes it is recommended to have an Inactive shutdown event to power off any unused workstations.

  4. In the Timezone field, select the timezone that this event should be run. For most use cases this should be the same timezone as where the workstations targeted are located. For example, if the workstations being controlled are in New York, USA then the America/New_York option is most likely the best option.

  5. Specify the number of workstations you would like to be kept available in the Availabile workstations required field

  6. Click the Add button

A sample configuration for a ‘Maintain availability’ event

Adding an event: Self-serve

  1. In the Pools field, tick all the workstation pools you would like this event to control

  2. In the Start time field, enter the time that you would like this event to run from.

  3. In the End time field enter the time this event should stop running. After this time users will not be able to self-serve machines.

  4. In the Timezone field, select the timezone that this event should be run. For most use cases this should be the same timezone as where the workstations targeted are located. For example, if the workstations being controlled are in New York, USA then the America/New_York option is most likely the best option.

  5. Click the Add button

A sample configuration for a ‘Self-serve’ event

Adding an event: Start

  1. In the Pools field, tick all the workstation pools you would like this event to control

  2. In the Start time field, enter the time that you would like this event to run. This event will only run once at the defined time.

  3. In the Timezone field, select the timezone that this event should be run. For most use cases this should be the same timezone as where the workstations targeted are located. For example, if the workstations being controlled are in New York, USA then the America/New_York option is most likely the best option.

  4. Specify the number of workstations you would like to start in the Workstations to start field. If you would like to start all workstations then check the Apply to all workstations in pool toggle.

  5. Click the Add button

A sample configuration for a ‘Start’ event

Adding an event: Stop

  1. In the Pools field, tick all the workstation pools you would like this event to control

  2. In the Start time field, enter the time that you would like this event to run. This event will only run once at the defined time.

  3. In the Timezone field, select the timezone that this event should be run. For most use cases this should be the same timezone as where the workstations targeted are located. For example, if the workstations being controlled are in New York, USA then the America/New_York option is most likely the best option.

  4. Specify the number of workstations you would like to stop in the Workstations to stop field. If you would like to stop all workstations then check the Apply to all workstations in pool toggle.

  5. Click the Add button

A sample configuration for a ‘Stop’ event

Adding an event: Inactive shutdown

  1. In the Pools field, tick all the workstation pools you would like this event to control

  2. In the Start time field, enter the time that you would like this event to run from.

  3. In the End time field enter the time this event should stop running.

  4. In the Timezone field, select the timezone that this event should be run. For most use cases this should be the same timezone as where the workstations targeted are located. For example, if the workstations being controlled are in New York, USA then the America/New_York option is most likely the best option.

  5. Click the Add button

A sample configuration for a ‘Inactive shutdown’ event

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