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Scheduling infrastructure: Operation types

Infrastructure instances in Lens are grouped into what is known as ‘Infrastructure groups'. When Lens schedules a power on or off event for infrastructure, it does so a group at a time. This ensures your infrastructure comes online each and every time.

When configuring the infrastructure schedule in the 7fivefive Lens portal, you only have two main options for turning the infrastructure on and off. However, these options can be customised to change their behaviour.



This operation will start all infrastructure groups that have the Automatically controlled option enabled, at a defined time. Infrastructure groups will be brought online in the order that they are placed, see the Infrastructure groups page for more. Error handling can also be configured at a group level to allow for granular control.

Stop (Wait for users disabled)

This operation will stop all infrastructure groups that have the Automatically controlled option enabled, at a defined time. The schedule will continue with the shutdown process even if there are users actively using the system. When the shutdown process begins, all workstations will be shut down first, and then the infrastructure will shut down.

Infrastructure groups will be shut down in the order that they are placed, see the Infrastructure groups page for more. Error handling can also be configured at a group level to allow for granular control.

Stop (Wait for users enabled)

This operation will stop all infrastructure groups that have the Automatically controlled option enabled, at a defined time. The schedule will abort the shutdown process if there are users actively using the system and will keep retrying until all users disconnect or the schedule event end-time is reached, whichever comes first. When the shutdown process begins, all workstations will be shut down first, and then the infrastructure will shut down.

Infrastructure groups will be shut down in the order that they are placed, see the Infrastructure groups page for more. Error handling can also be configured at a group level to allow for granular control.

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