2.1.7 release notes
New Features
Add native DUO integration
When system is trying to shutdown, prevent new users from logging in
Customizable key and value to find edit AWS instances
Catch 'InsufficientInstanceCapacity' error and present user-friendly message
Better error catching when deployment profile has not been completed (AWS)
Allow users to be created with . in username
Create workstation should be logged to events
Allow multiple workstations to be created/deleted at once
Bug fixes
VMware: Check UUID received in create vm task is for the new VM and not the template
Unable to deselect VMware options in deployment profile
TMP folder not created on system startup
MySQL gone away errors in log
Gunicorn threads get killed off if the domain is uncontactable
Fix connection broker detection
Unable to cleanup instance records, causing a rollback issue across app
AD groups not populating in settings
Fix creat_db.sh script
Infrastructure should only be shutdown if it is defined with power scheduler startup order
New instances not added to unassigned instances in infrastructure power-on sequencer
Broker desktops not cleaning correctly
Domain groups not sorted by username