Installing the Lens Workstation Agent on Windows
You will need to know the DNS name (FQDN) or IP address of the Lens Collector at your site
You will need administrator rights on the desktop you are installing the application onto
🪄 Installing
Normal installation
Install Chocolatey
Run the following command. You will be prompted for the Lens Collector FQDN/IP address:
POWERSHELLchoco upgrade 7fivefive-lens-workstation-agent
Offline installation
Install Chocolatey
Download the
file from this link.In Powershell, change the directory to the location where you downloaded the file to. For example:
POWERSHELLSet-Location "$($env:UserProfile)\Downloads"
Run the following command. You will be prompted for the Lens Collector FQDN/IP address:
POWERSHELLchoco upgrade 7fivefive-lens-workstation-agent --source=./
Silent installation
Install Chocolatey
Run the following command:
Ensure you change the variables on lines 1 and 2 to match your collector's FQDN and port number.POWERSHELL$CollectorFqdn = 'your.collector.fqdn' $CollectorPort = '8443' choco upgrade 7fivefive-lens-workstation-agent --params "/COLLECTORFQDN:$CollectorFqdn /COLLECTORPORT:$CollectorPort"
You may need to add the -y parameter to accept additional scripts and licenses during silent installs.
To specify a version use --version=2.0.6
choco install 7fivefive-lens-workstation-agent -y --version=2.0.6 --params "/COLLECTORFQDN:$CollectorFqdn /COLLECTORPORT:$CollectorPort"