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Installing the Lens Workstation Agent on Windows

(info) Prerequisites

  • You will need to know the DNS name (FQDN) or IP address of the Lens Collector at your site

  • You will need administrator rights on the desktop you are installing the application onto

🪄 Installing

Normal installation

  1. Install Chocolatey

  2. Open Powershell as an Administrator

  3. Run the following command. You will be prompted for the Lens Collector FQDN/IP address:

    choco upgrade 7fivefive-lens-workstation-agent -s

Silent installation

  1. Install Chocolatey

  2. Open Powershell as an Administrator

  3. Run the following command:
    Ensure you change the variables on lines 1 and 2 to match your collector's FQDN and port number.

    $CollectorFqdn = 'your.collector.fqdn'
    $CollectorPort = '8443'
    choco upgrade 7fivefive-lens-workstation-agent -s --params "/COLLECTORFQDN:$CollectorFqdn /COLLECTORPORT:$CollectorPort"

You may need to add the -y parameter to accept additional scripts and licenses during silent installs.

To specify a version use --version=2.0.6

choco install 7fivefive-lens-workstation-agent -s -y --version=2.0.6 --params "/COLLECTORFQDN:$CollectorFqdn /COLLECTORPORT:$CollectorPort"
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