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Adobe Premiere Pro - How do you change the project renderer in Premiere?

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Adobe Premiere Pro - How do you change the project renderer in Premiere?

Sometimes it may be needed to change the Adobe Premiere project render setting. This may be for performance reasons, due to a change in OS, or for project stability. Depending what operating system you are using, and what graphics cards are installed in your machine, you have the option of these renderers for the project:

  • Mercury Playback Engine GPU Acceleration (OpenCL)

  • Mercury Playback Engine GPU Acceleration (Metal)

  • Mercury Playback Engine GPU Acceleration (CUDA)

  • Mercury Playback Engine Software Only


  1. Open Adobe Premiere Pro

  2. Open the project you are working on

  3. Go to the File menu, Project Settings and then General

  4. Under the Video rendering and playback tab, click the Renderer dropdown and select the renderer of choice

  5. Click OK






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