7FiveFive NAS - 'File in use' dialog box appears when performing file operations
Issue details
When performing file operations (moves, renames, deletes, etc.) the Mac OS (OS X) finder brings up a dialog message saying that the file is in use, even when it does not appear a program is using the file.
The cause of this message is often caused by the way that Mac OS (OS X) finder works, by storing folder metadata as hidden ‘.DS_Store’ files. These files can remain open and be used by the OS even when the folder does not appear to be open. To disable .DS_Store file generation on network shares, do the following as an administrator:
Open the ‘Terminal’ application
Paste the command below
CODEsudo defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores -bool TRUE
Enter your administrator credentials if prompted
Log out for changes to take effect
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